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     Friends of Rowan Creek
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Board Meeting Minutes 1/10/02
Attendees: Ira Kastenberg, Nancy Braker, Allison Russell, Yvette
Lokotz, Steve Mueller

Motion to approve minutes from last meeting was made and carried.

Motion was made to make Ira Kastenberg secretary. Motion carried.
Allison will continue to do the duties of the secretary and treasurer.

Board Members. Two terms will be expiring in May. The nominating
committee will review names of potential board members.

Strategic Planning. As part of our grant agreement, we need to do
strategic planning. We will need to involve members at large and get
ideas from all areas of the community. Allison will call the UW
extension to see if they have someone that can facilitate meetings of
this nature. Otherwise, will try to find some sort of organization that
does this.

Web Site. We will brainstorm on what we'd like the Web site to do at
our next meeting.

Hours Worked for Grant. All board members should sent their 2001 hours
worked toward our grant stuff to Allison. We are keeping a log to
fulfill our obligations for our grant money and we need to keep track of
our time.

Phone list. Allison will bring a list of phone numbers/members to the
next meeting.

Thinning of Pines. Jim Berneet (DNR) reported that the thinning of the
pines on Pine Island is still planned for this winter. They are
waiting for cold weather and need 3 weeks of nights below 15 degrees,
with days not above freezing before they can cross the wetland with the
skidder. The trees will be hand cut to reduce the heavy equipment that
has to be taken across the marsh. Whe the logging is going on the
parking lot at CS and some of the trails will have to be closed. Jim
encouraged us to consider completing an agreement with the DNR. A
formal agreement between FRC and the DNR would establish a working
relationship and allow for DNR to lend us equipment and provide
supplies. It would also address liability issues when we have work
projects on DNR land. Braker will take action on this issue.

Upcoming Projects.
-Native landscaping event will be Thurs, Feb. 21st in the boardroom in
the community hall at 7:00. Neil Diboll (spelling may not be correct!)
will be the speaker.

-March 23 will be the bluebird house event. Allison is coordinating
this with Gary Laib.

-Sunday April 21 will be the creek clean up.

-Feburary 2nd, Megan Yost will host a work day at the Reddeman Ledges
prairie, followed by a pot luck lunch at her home. She will provide
more details, the student study group will be invited.

-Spring/early summer: removal of garlic mustard

-Trail maintainance. Proposed for Saturday, May 25. Could work on
installing water bars along washed out area of trail NW of turtle pond.
Need someone to organize this event.

Mailing of brochure to watershed. The group encouraged Allison to work
on with Steve Braker's help.

-Spring Fling (in May): Yvette will organize our presence at this event.
We agreed that we should order wholesale plants from Prairie Nursery to
sell at our booth. Braker will help Yvette select appropriate plants.

Additional idea: Host a field trip half way through the watershed study
where the students can present their findings to date.
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Friends of Rowan Creek • PO Box 94 • Poynette, Wisconsin 53955
email: info@rowancreek.org • phone: (608) 635-4040